Wireless Andon Tower Light

Signaworks designs and builds Lean Manufacturing Tools to increase production and reduce downtime including Kaizen event tools, wireless andon light systems.  Choose from our standard components or have our engineers design a Lean Wireless Solution for you..

Model Types

awthh Handheld Wireless Andon Transmitter
awt Andon Wireless Transmitter
AWTL  Andon Wireless Transmitter, LED Tower Light
AWTLF  Andon Wireless Transmitter, Flashing LED Tower Light
AWTLB  Andon Wireless Transmitter, Light & Audible Alarm
AWRL  Andon Wireless Receiver, LED Tower Light
AWRS  Andon Wireless Receiver with Strobes 
AWRD  Andon Wireless Receiver Display Board 


    • Advanced industrial spread spectrum 2.4 GHz and 900 MHz wireless communication andon light system
    • Standard up to 700 ft, long range up to 2500 ft, and extra long up to 2+ miles
    • Transmitters designed for handheld or cells on plant floor, 4 to 16 inputs per transmitter board
    • Receivers located in plant wide communication or office areas
    • Multiple transmitters and receivers available on any one system
    • 8 network frequencies for secure, reliable transmission with multiple systems operating in one location
    • 3 prong, 110 volt power cord provides power for assembly

Accessories & Options

  • Antenna Extensions for Extending through Concrete Walls, etc. 
  • Multiple Receivers Modules Available for Key Locations 
  • Audible Options include High and Low Frequency Buzzers 
  • Music and Voice with Multiple Options in One Receiver
  • Digital timers available at receiver to track and monitor downtime.
  • Ethernet Data Logging available with RJ45 connector 
  • Wireless Inputs or Outputs available for remote signals or data logging

Call us now for information and pricing at 740.917.5781.