
Cotui, Dominican Republic    Partner: Vision Trust International

Milagros Dominguez, Director Cotui Christian Learning Center

After graduating college and teaching in Harrera, Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, Milagros felt Called by God to go back to the rice growing village where she grew up to start a school in the community and to spread the Gospel.  We have partnered with Vision Trust to support the school and community by purchasing a school van, taking several trips to physically construct the school and contribute towards the building materials for the school, bathrooms, kitchen, etc.  We spent 3 years traveling to this project to physically build the structure, put on bible clubs for the kids, encouraging and praying for the leaders and people in the community .  We also provided a van to help with educational and health issues in the community.  There are 319 children in the before and after school education, feeding and bible classes.


Palaverkadu Island ,  India    Partner:  Vision Trust Intl. & Evangelical Church of India 

India Outreach

Merwin Joshua, Director Learning Center

The children coming to our Learning Center are from Thirumalai Nagar, Light House and Nadukuppam villages in Palaverkadu island. There are 27 villages in this island and we have children from 3 villages coming to our Learning Center.  The Learning Center has 300 families in the surrounding the area.  Currently 69 children attend the after school program in an unsafe building with structural damages and has been condemned.  

The Learning Center is essentially an afterschool program that facilitates access to educational support via tuition assistance and tutoring, to improved health via interventions like nutritional meals, clean water and medicine, and to spiritual mentoring via intentional Biblical teaching and discipleship activities. The new Learning Center will serve up to 80 children.  The building houses Church on the weekend and is used for a Community Center .  The community was hostile toward anyone preaching the gospel in the community in 2005, and the families are now showing much interest in sending their children to Learning Center because of the good changes in academics and discipline that the parents see in their children.

Ongata Rongai, Nairobi, Kenya
   Partner: Heart of Africa  

St. Paul’s Children’s Home   

Margaret Mbote – School Director

Elias Muigai – Local Business Partner and Overseer

St. Paul’s Orphanage was started by Margaret Mbote.  Currently there are 80?? children in residence.  They range from 2 years old to 18.  The younger children attend school at the orphanage while the older children attend secondary schools in the surrounding community.  The new dormitory will provide more space for the children living there under crowded, and less than desirable conditions. 


Bulungu, Congo                        Partner John Malala Foundation & Heart of Africa

Brother Emmanuel Maswaku , Director The Dignity Elementary School & Trade School ,

The Dignity School operates as a trade and carpentry school for all ages, an elementary school and a community center where Bible studies and other activities for the local churches and community. We engaged with the project when only the outer walls were built.  We added the roof, floor, stucco on the walls, paint, septic tanks and had school desks and other furniture built to finish the facility.  There are 67 in the elementary school and 29 in the vocational school.  This building is the only location in town with lighting at night, so there is much attraction for any community activity.  The rice mill and brick building provide funds for operating the school.


 Trinity Christian School, Malawi – Opened September 2013   Partner: Heart of Africa 

Malawi Outreach

Lenard Gowa – Director, Community Pastor

The Chief and Elders of the village have been praying that a school would be built, when Lenard Gowa, a local pastor, started meeting with the children under a tree with a broken blackboard for school and bible classes.  We partnered with Lenard and a church from Pietermarizburg, South Africa to oversee the construction of the school.  They are now operating and preschool and elementary school in the building as well as community activities.  





 Kigali, Rwanda  Good Shepherd School & Church 

Pastor:  Simon & Kedress Nziramakenga

The Nziramakengas returned as refrugees to Rwanda only to realize they lost 70 family members during the genocide in Rwanda during the 1990’s.  Simon planted a church and school to help bring unity and peace to the area.  The church has 5000 members and the school has 286 children enrolled.  We have partnered with the school to build and additional building texpand education in the area for an additional 150 students.

Nasir, South Sudan
– School                 Partner: Heart of Africa 

Michael Gatkek – Pastor in Maine overseeing community and school

Children are currently meeting under a tree with a teacher, part of a black board and nothing else in Nasir, South Sudan.  Currently, the children can only meet during good weather.  We have committed to building a concrete school building and 2 large Tukuls, which are grass topped, mud hut building, which will operate as larger classrooms.  We have committed to this much needed project, and we are waiting for the military fighting in the country to calm before starting the construction.  Pray for Peace so we can start construction on the school to provide a better education for the children.


Kyenjojo, Uganda                                 

Victor and Alyssa, Pastor and Director of  Elementary School, Vocational School, Hospital & Orphanage

Alyssa is an American who developed a heart for the Ugandan people and We are praying and looking for ways to finishing the buildings required to complete this elementary school.