About Us

Our Company and Components
Signaworks is a privately held manufacturer of a broad range of Industrial Signal Products located in Powell, Ohio near Columbus, Ohio. We offer hundreds of visual and audible signal products including the latest technologies in LED and communication such as Voice, USB and Ethernet Interface Tower Lights. We inventory thousands of warning devices in many voltage, brightness & decibel levels.

Lean Manufacturing Solutions
Signaworks also manufactures many Standard and Custom Assemblies and Lean Manufacturing Tools for improving productivity and production. Call to discuss your application with our sales and engineering staff. We will gladly come along side your staff to develop a solution for your Lean needs!

Why We Do What We Do
We love serving you, our customers and appreciate the chance to do it. We know our work life is meant to earn an income to live the life we have been called to live. We all enjoy time with our families and being engaged in ministry of loving and serving others. We know there is a great responsibility to those who have been given much, and we have dedicated the profits of our business to building Christian schools, orphanages, churches and community buildings around the world to impact thousands of the neediest children around the world.

"Developing the next generations of leaders through health, education and spiritual foundation"

Call us at (740) 917-5781 to learn more about what we do and why we do it. You can also see how we are changing the world and the lives of the ones we are called to serve by Clicking Here.